JUMP TOArcade.xyz APITestnetAuthenticationAPI KeyLoansGet a list of loans for an accountgetGet a list of loansgetGet a loan by the loan's id and matching loan core addressgetLoanTermsGet loan terms created by an accountgetCreate signed loan terms for a NFT or VaultpostDelete a loan term by id owned by an accountdeleteFetch loan termsgetGet a loan term by id.getGet the signature for signed loan termsgetNoncesGet your consumed noncesgetAccountsGet your account detailsgetCollectionsGet collections indexed by Arcade.xyzgetLendGet Listings, Vaults and associated LoanTermsgetVaultsGet a vault by its addressgetGet a loan by the loan's id and matching loan core addressget https://api.arcade.xyz/api/v2/loans/{loanCoreAddress}/{loanId}Returns a loan and its collateralLoan Core Addresses V2 0x81b2f8fc75bab64a6b144aa6d2faa127b4fa7fd9 V3 0x89bc08BA00f135d608bc335f6B33D7a9ABCC98aF