Arcade Protocol FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Arcade Protocol
What is the Arcade Protocol?
The Arcade Protocol is an open source and non-custodial liquidity protocol for loans backed by non-fungible tokens, or NFTs.
Has the protocol been audited?
Yes, we take security very seriously. Our protocol has been audited by two separate auditors - Quantstamp and Roku. You can find links to the reports here (Quantstamp) and here (Roku).
Why did we build the Arcade Protocol?
The Arcade Protocol combines decentralized finance and NFTs. As DeFi early adopters we noticed that crypto lending markets existed for fungible digital assets, but were largely undeveloped in non-fungible crypto markets. Our thesis is that NFTs will serve as the crypto native primitive for all kinds of digital property assets in the future and that a functioning credit market will be needed to serve the asset class.
What are the risks?
The Arcade Protocol is an experimental platform provided "AS IS" without warranties of any kind. Use of the platform, Arcade app, or smart contracts is at your own risk.
Updated 6 days ago